Wimberley Valley Radio now online and moving in

From Staff Reports
While Wimberley Valley Radio awaits a permit from the Federal Communications Commission, they are preparing to go live as soon as possible. 
In fact, the station has already started streaming on line at 941fmwimberly.org.
The numbers, 941 match what Wimberley Valley Radio hopes listeners tune into if and when a permit is granted for 94.1 FM.
Pictured are Greg Gibson and Jim Motheral work on remodeling Wimberley Valley Radio's future studios. The two master volunteers have The donated almost 40 hours of labor to WVR. One more small project remains to be completed before the studio is equipped for recording and production. 
There is no immediate time table for the FCC to grant a liscense. This is the first time the FCC has opened up the door to smaller, more local stations, so the process is still largely unknown.
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