WAG Rescue Celebrates 500th Dog Adoption
Submitted by Wimberley1 on
Onyx was WAG Rescue’s 500 pet adopted. (Submitted photo)
From Staff Reports
“I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go...)”, these are magical words written by E.E. Cummings. While we sit and ponder the achievement of serving our Wimberley community for five years and completing our five hundredth adoption through WAG Rescue, we cannot stop thinking of these words.
It is the devotion and love for animals and community, in Wimberley that brings WAG Rescue the amazing mentors, sponsors, and dedicated volunteers that have allowed us to prosper. It is only fitting to tell you about our 500th dog adoption, Onyx, and her passage from rescued to her now forever home.
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