Clara is a bright-eyed, blond-haired, three-year-old girl.
“She likes to pull on Uncle Will’s beard,” Hays County Commissioner Will Conley said of his niece.
But Clara faces a challenge that is every parent’s nightmare.
At about 18 months, Clara’s development plateaued. The family says she struggled to walk and stopped speaking. It took about a year before a special DNA test was conducted and the Bragg’s learned that Clara had a terminal neurological condition.
She was diagnosed with Late Infantile GM1 Gangliosidosis, a terminal disease that will slowly take her abilities away and cause seizures, blindness, deafness, and the inability to eat and move.
“I can’t think of any worse type of situation for a child and parents to be in,” Conley said.
While there currently is no cure for the disease, there is hope.