Place 4 City Council Candidate Shannon du Plessis
Submitted by Wimberley1 on
My name is Shannon Marlow du Plessis. I want to be your representative on the Wimberley City Council (Place 4), and would like to earn your vote.
My main goals are to bringing a fresh, balanced, non-partisan viewpoint to our City Council, protect our natural resources, safeguard our community and way of life by tenderly managing growth — change is inevitable; Walmart isn’t and Keep Wimberley, Wimberley.
Wimberley has some challenges on the horizon and I want to be of service to help our community find the best solutions. I don't have an agenda so I bring objectivity. No PAC is funding my campaign, thus I remain independent. I was not been involved with planning and developing the city from the beginning. I bring a fresh pair of eyes, an open mind, and new questions to generate fresh discussions to move toward better solutions - not the same old, same old.
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