Wimberley ISD Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration

Calling all local 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds. Pre-registration is now being held at Scudder Primary for the 2014-15 school year for PreKindergarten and Kindergarten.   Children who will be 4-years-old by Sept. 1, 2014, are eligible for PreK, and children who will be 5-years-old by Sept. 1 are eligible for Kindergarten.
Scudder offers two different PreK programs: a half day free PreK program for families who qualify, and a full-day tuition-based PreK program for $468 per month, open to any 4-year-old (limited slots, early enrollment is advised).  Our Kindergarten program is full-day.  Wimberley ISD also accepts transfer applications, for students living outside of the Wimberley ISD boundaries.  Transfer applications can be accessed online at www.wimberelyisd.net or by emailing Julia Osborn at josborn@wimberley.txed.net.


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