CARD: The rising cost of water

CARD Steering Committee

Here’s the credit card TV commercial we’d like to see:
Groceries for a day: $15
Wi-Fi service for a month: $40
Cable TV for a year: $800
Clean water whenever you need it: Priceless!
Water is one of those rare commodities worth any price – if you don’t have it. Millions of desperate people around the world can testify to that. 
After air, there’s probably no better value-for-price bargain than water, the value being our very lives. If we live where there is a public water supply, the treated water piped into our homes is so inexpensive that many of us can afford to use thousands of gallons to irrigate our lawns, wash our cars, fill swimming pools, clean our dishes and clothes – and our bodies – as often as we like. 
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