Wimberley VFW Post 6441’s Auxiliary’s officers for 2018-19 were installed Thursday evening at a special meeting. Conducting the installation were representatives of the VFW Department of Texas Auxiliary.
The VFW Auxiliary supports the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serves veterans, active-duty military and their families, and promotes patriotism among the community’s youth. Wimberley VFW members are active in the community, and their programs are designed to bring needed services, information and assistance to these target groups.
Relatives of those who served in overseas combat are eligible for auxiliary membership.
Photo Caption: Newly-elected Wimberley VFW Post 6441 Auxiliary officers:
Back Row - Sr. Vice President Karen Hobbs, Trustee Beth Tucker, Conductress Audie Bravo, Chaplain Linea Loveless-Wood, Guard Sandy Pellerin, Trustee Connie Byers.